Dawn’s Story

Dawn Smiling

I had become an ethical vegan around 2000. This started me on a health journey and then by late 2011, I had been gradually consuming more raw/less cooked/processed vegan food. And I was getting incredibly healthy seemingly overnight. (20 pounds down in one month - what?)   I have always been inquisitive - I have to know! 

I first learned about thermography when I had my first imaging in June of 2012 almost on a whim. I was attending a three-week program intended to educate us(the students) on our bodies and how to maintain and improve health with diet, exercise, intention, connection, attitude and more.

About ten days into the program, a few of us heard about thermography and decided we wanted to schedule ours.  One of the three women had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of stomach cancer about two days before entering the educational program and her family from around the world was constantly contacting her to immediately get home to start treatment. She had her thermography and we could see that her stomach area was white hot and definitely in alignment with her recent diagnosis.

The next day she allowed a relative to take her to a follow-up radiological scan to monitor the cancer. To everyone’s surprise, she was told she did not have cancer! But how could this be? We knew from the thermography the day before that she was in a very serious situation.

This intrigued me. My left-brain was spinning - this did not compute - I needed to know! So, I started looking up everything I could find on thermography - what is it, what does it do, how does it help us, what does it not do, is it a valid modality(it is FDA approved) - everything.  What I found sealed the deal - I was going to be a thermographer once I retired. I needed to contribute to the solution! Here's a bit of what I learned...

Radiation (X-ray) sees cancer when we have about 4 BILLION cells and cancer cells double approximately every 90 days. By the time radiation sees cancer, we have had cancer for 8-10 years!

Thermography sees the beginning changes at around 500 cells. Yes - 500! Thermography sees change in our thermal ‘fingerprint’. Thermography can see angiogenesis - blood flow.  Thermography does not see masses - it will not see a tumor - but it can see the thermal changes and blood flow occurring around the mass. And it can see it really early in the development of cancer. Thermography is an early, adjunctive modality to radiation and ultrasound.  We are partners - and we are non-invasive, cause no pain, and use no radiation. 

So, I applied what I found to this woman’s experience and this is what I deduced:

The initial scan (remember, that was less than two weeks prior) was able to diagnose cancer because she had over 4 billion cells.

The program being taught certainly seemed to be working. It appeared to be promoting health and starving disease. So much so that the follow up scan -less than two weeks after the original- did not see cancer because now she must have had less than 4 billion cells! She was not cured - not by a long shot as evidenced by the thermography - but she was improving every day. She ended up extending her stay to at least nine weeks before I lost touch with her.  I hope she has continued on her journey to complete health.

One thing I know for certain: my journey toward truth, wellness, and solutions continues! Why?

~ because Prevention IS the Cure - Dawn

BS Business Administration/Accounting

CPBN (Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition)


MELT Method Level 1 Certified


REIKI II Certified

Advanced IET Certified (Integrated Energy Therapy)


Reverend - Universal Life Church (yes, I can marry you!)


Let’s talk!



Main Location: 316 Delaware Avenue, Suite 23, Delmar, NY 12054

Dawn with a plant blocking the lower part of her face