Holistic Thermography by Dawn, LLC
Welcome to Holistic Thermography by Dawn, LLC, a woman-owned small business in the Capital Region of New York State.
Did you know that we are energy beings? Our bodies are electric and they generate heat. In fact, they generate infrared heat which was actually discovered in 1800 by Sir John Herschel who made the first thermogram in 1840! You have probably heard of near and far infrared light therapy and saunas.
The human body emits infrared in the mid-infrared range, is thermally symmetrical, and our normal thermal patterns are constant and repeatable. We essentially have a thermographic fingerprint.
Underlying pathology - the beginnings of disease - will cause sympathetic change and in most instances, thermal asymmetry. Our thermal fingerprint will begin to change.
What is Thermography?
Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI aka thermography) uses a highly sensitive, specially designed camera, along with a totally non-invasive clinical imaging procedure for objectively detecting and monitoring many injuries and conditions.
Cancer cells double in number approximately every 90 days. Screening by thermography has the opportunity to detect these changes (that underlying pathology) at any stage in the development from the first year through to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography - typically about eight (8) years or thirty-two (32) ‘doublings’. This early detection of change can lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatment options as well as the opportunity for patients and their healthcare practitioners to intervene at an early stage with preventative treatment.
So is thermography a replacement for mammography or ultrasound?
The short answer is no. Thermography was approved by the FDA in 1982 as an adjunctive screening procedure to mammography. Mammography and ultrasound are tests of anatomy. They look at structure. When a tumor has grown to a size that is large enough and dense enough to block an x-ray beam (mammography) or sound wave (ultrasound), it produces an image that can be detected by a trained radiologist. Remember thermography is a test of physiology so it is looking for something completely different. While some women use thermal imaging instead of mammography for breast screening due to concerns regarding the cumulative risks of radiation, others use thermal imaging in addition to mammography and/or ultrasound. Thermal imaging should be viewed as a complementary, not competitive, tool to mammography and ultrasound. Thermography has the ability to identify patients at the highest level of risk and actually increase the effective usage of mammograms and ultrasounds. When mammograms, ultrasounds, and clinical exams are used together, the best possible evaluation of breast health can be made. Read the 2022 Review Article on PubMed ‘Thermography as a Breast Cancer Screening Technique: A Review Article. PMC’.
Cancer is not the only underlying pathology that can be identified by thermography. Inflammation, infection, cardiovascular issues, immune disorders, oral/dental problems, neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ…the list is long.
Who has not known someone who has been diagnosed with some awful disease, maybe one that comes with harsh and expensive treatments or worse. My father died of cardiovascular disease, my mother - they have no clue, one aunt & uncle- Alzheimer’s, another uncle - cancer, a cousin - recurrent breast cancer... The list continues.
I have been blessed to have an inquisitive mind - I just NEED to know! It is that passion that started me on my journey over twenty (20) years ago to uncovering the ‘secrets’ of optimal health and well-being. From diet to lifestyle, to our thoughts, attitudes, and meditation - they all matter. Thermography is a tool in my toolbox that can help me to discover and monitor how the life that I am living is impacting my most precious and irreplaceable human body.
It is an honor and a privilege that you are here and considering Holistic Thermography by Dawn LLC as a tool in YOUR toolbox to help you build a strong, healthy body to match your indomitable spirit.
My mission is about empowering you to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK!